World Premier of Breaking Glass is online now

When the Covid lockdowns hit, we were smack bang in the middle of production rehearsals for our incredible Breaking Glass show with Sydney Chamber Opera which was to open at Carriageworks. We moved quickly and managed to squeeze in a filming which has captured this critical work that premiered online to rave reviews. You can still view the work at

“The vocalists – Jane Sheldon, Simon Lobelson, and Jessica O’Donoghue in this work – showed exceptional range, with virtuosic execution of techniques such as vocal fry, portamenti and fricative sounds along with beautifully phrased melodic material.” – The Conversation

“O’Donoghue, Sheldon, Lobelson, and Riley spanned remarkable vocal demands and range with exemplary professionalism.” – Sydney Morning Herald (four stars)

“Jessica O’Donoghue makes a memorable feminist hero, a grimly determined woman who sets her face into the storm.” – Limelight (four stars)

“O’Donoghue’s performance is mesmerising. The music is tumultuous and rhythmic, but her singing is as slow and tentative as her steps. Her voice is a perfect vehicle for the almost mediaeval style of her part.“ – The Saturday Paper

“The female heroine [was] exceptionally well played and sung by Jessica O’Donoghue” – Artshub (four stars)

S George

Sydney based artist.

Recording at the Stunning Phoenix Central Park


Album two in the making, check out the behind the scenes here.